Worms are parasites that can damage the horse and cause health problems. The eggs are deposited in the manure as it contains the perfect conditions for parasites. Horses grazing around this can ingest worms and become infected. Poo-picking on a regular basis is vital for the health of your horse.

Flies also reside around areas of manure. They are irritating for the horses whilst they graze. Removing the flies will make grazing much more enjoyable for your horse.
Areas of poo also discourage growth of vegetation. Poo-picking helps to maximise healthy paddocks and green fields.

Ragwort is a common plant that is toxic to horses. It can damage their liver and cause lifelong liver issues. It is vital that your horse does not eat lots of ragwort as even small amounts can make a horse ill. Some ragwort can be pulled out (with gloves) in a quick motion, especially if not fully mature. However make sure the root is removed to ensure the plant does not regrow. Herbicides can also be used, but only after carefully considering the environment in which these herbicides will affect.